Tuesday 11 January 2022

How I Create a Hygge Life.

Hygge has been around for a few years now, I can remember just how much it blew up and being one of those people unsure of looking into it more and as of recently I gave it a chance. This blog centers around cosiness which is basically what Hygge me…
Tuesday 21 December 2021

Waving Goodbye to 2021.

How is it winter already? Autumn zoomed past us, it was so mild but now we have reached winter it got cold so quickly within a day! Luckily my cat gives me lots of warm snuggles. She has been poorly lately and has now been put on a special diet whic…
Sunday 12 December 2021

Autumnal Mevagissey

We popped to Mevagissey last month after my hospital appointment, I needed a distraction and what better place to go than Mevagissey. We sat down and had a sausage roll and enjoyed the nice chill in the air. I love watching people walk past with the…
Tuesday 26 October 2021

The Vast Beauty of Luxulyan.

James and I have been here a few times now, it's one of them places that's not only perfect for taking the kids to burn off energy but also taking in the scenery and rich heritage around you (which you can read about HERE). Once again I had …
Sunday 26 September 2021

The Mist - E.M.R

A few years ago I wrote a poem called "The Mist" it's something I go back and read because it was the darkest part of my life. I often think about how far I've come and how lucky I am to have a roof over my head and have my life he…
Tuesday 10 August 2021

Coping in the summer with Neurocardiogenic Syncope.

I won't lie, summer is the worst time of year for me, I have big flare ups because the heat makes my condition worse, my condition is known as NCS also know as Neurocardiogenic Syncope, it can be a complicated condition as it doesn't affect …
Wednesday 14 July 2021

Charlestown Harbour | A Charming Place To Be.

One of the most popular places to be lately is Charlestown Harbour, people keep calling it Poldark Harbour and as much as I love the show I will never refer to it as that. Charlestown has always been the place I visit the most, there may not be much…
Thursday 17 June 2021

Adjusting to a Slower Pace of Life.

After spending most of my life in South East London younger me could never had seen herself moving so far away from her friends and family yet now I can happily say I'm living in the place I was always meant to be. This may sound ridiculous to s…